Jun 13, 2007 21:25
Happiness, it comes to you in the singularity of awareness.
That monochromatic thought by which all else fades away.
The clean way? Some go to God. Some summon adrenaline -
these people find happiness in clean, pure pain.
Most of these are expensive to pay for in effort or commitment.
And they're not for everyone.
The rest, they call them vices for a reason: they cost us little in pain.
Drug highs. Trans fat-laden food from a fucking pretentious posh-nosh eatery.
Alcoholic binges. Multiple orgasms. 250km/h in your daddy's Aston Martin.
Gambling with everything that has any significant value in your life.
The suffering is gone.
The pain, I sidestep.
But the unhappiness, I have chosen.
For this mind which is constantly in motion -
There is no easier way.