Title: Perspective Is Everything
Fly With MeDate: October 20, 2006
Word count: 1,391
Pairing: Giles/Xander
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Joss does.
Spoilers: There's a Magic Box and Giles is still in Sunnydale?
Summary: Was that snuggling on the couch? Nah. It was so much more than that.
Notes: Tara is around, just not in the Magic Box.
Written for
lostgirlslair in the Xander round at
maleslashminis. Request found after the fic. (I have not been able to work one of the requests in. I hope you will forgive me)
Title from Aimee Mann's 'Invisible Ink'.
Thanks to
mireille719 for the quick and thorough beta.
So what if they started spending more time together? It didn't mean anything.