And one last thing...

Oct 31, 2008 15:22

Hello fellow G/X lovers!

Posting access has been reopened to all members; it's time to celebrate this wonderful month-long fest!

Browse through the month's posts, rec your favourites, find time to thank the writers and artists, but most of all, have fun and share the G/X love!

The last of the daily prompts:#1 Singapore City, Singapore
#2  "Accidents and inspiration lead you to your destination"
#3  "It Had to Be You" - "Completely Yours"
#4  "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
#5  Halloween

Feel free to post anything you've written this month but didn't post for the Fest, or drabble on this week's prompts to your heart's content!

Oh! And before I forget...

Here are some pretties for you, my dears! (These "thank you" banners made by the ever awesome katekat1010)

And one very special one, to the lovely cmk418 for her amazing contribution to the OctoberFest!

THANK YOU, CMK, and all of you, who have made OctoberFest such a complete success this year. See you here, again, in October of 2009!

Final masterlist forthcoming...

dp:free-for-all, octoberfest banners, octoberfest, daily prompts 2008

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