Dec 10, 2010 10:24
Ok "it's Christmas we all feel nicer" ..
.. bollocks to that ! How could you possibly feel nicer being hammered constantly all time by Iceland foods ads appearing N^N times in a row in the span of SECONDS while you are just trying to watch 15 mins of something on TV ?
UK what the hell ? I think you are taking the liberty of ads "too far away", there should be a law forbidding ads like those.
I mean it really looks strafucking stupid, ok we do understand is xmas, we do understand you want people buying stuff but .. ALL THOSE ADS IN A ROW ???
Well one effect for certain they had on me ( and I know I am not the only one speaking about this ) I'll be VERY SURE *NOT* to buy ANYTHING from Iceland foods cause "you literally stressed me to death with those ads".
Feel free to join me in this campaing "let's tell Iceland Foods a lesson about stupid ads" if you like.
Literally "what the hell they had in their brains" when someone decided "let's put SO MANY ads in a row all time 24/24 7/7 so people will remember about us ?".
Yes we remember about you, in the most NEGATIVE way you could imagine.
If that was a move directed to LOOSE customers, you are succeeding very well.
That's why dads DO NOT go to Iceland ( the store not the country ).
"How's going with you Jack since the wife left ?"
"Oh not too bad I am living on frozen food ... "
*whispers* "... he seems strangely quite happy .. "
*whispers* "No wonders, Jack calls 'frozen food' whiskey on ice .. "
Here we go Cachacha and lime on ice ..