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Nov 17, 2006 14:39

Road Trip

That’s a particularly American concept, isn’t it? The roadtrip. Such an immense land mass spread before one. That’s probably one of the reasons American cinema was so popular in Europe, the lure of the open road. Certainly, there was nothing like that when I was growing up. We traveled, for the most part, by train.

I have made some roadtrips on the North American continent. I took Olivia about rather aimlessly when she visited. We went to the desert, something she wanted to see. Rather different than London, or indeed, anything in the UK. I think she found the empty spaces and lack of discernible life rather oppressive. She’s very much the city dweller.

Perhaps my return trip to the same region with Buffy could be classified as a “roadtrip”. We spend some hours in the automobile together, I, trying to impart some Watcher wisdom; she, for once, rather grave and silent. Of course, we missed the requisite eating at dubious-looking roadside dinner; hunger being a necessary requirement to a vision quest.

After the destruction of Sunnydale, I took a roundabout return to England. So many cobwebs to clear out of my mind, so many decisions about what I should do next. There were many dubious “eateries” on that trip. I should write about that sometime.
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