Title: Buffy's Father Figure
Author: Kat Lee
Characters/Pairing: Joyce and Buffy -- That's right. Giles doesn't really appear in this one, and yet, it's all about him! I hope this is okay, but the prompt, especially this time of the year, just screamed this drabble!
Rating: G/K
Challenge/Prompt: Late
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
Joyce watched Buffy carefully wrapping presents. This last one was only socks, but the real gift, a book of all things, was nestled deep inside. "You really like that Mister Giles, don't you?"
Buffy's grin was quick and brilliant. "Yeah."
She didn't see her mother's smile. Buffy'd needed a father figure for so long. It was better late than never. She knew she'd be cared for even if something happened to her. She might have her differences with the librarian, but there was no man better suited in their lives for her daughter. She sipped her hot cocoa and watched.
The End