Howdy! I'm doing this early on Tues to ensure I won't forget!
And this Tuesday's recs are all brought from last year's
Scar Tissue (G/X) NC17
It's a continuation of her earlier fic
"Why Do You Breathe?", post-Chosen, post everything, and Giles and Xander find a way to get a little meaning out of life after saving the world so many times.
Sometimes, It's What You Don't Say (G/X) G
It was Satin_toile's first time posting fic, and she gave us this adorable little story.
Dancing in the Park (G/E) NC17
Like so many of her works, this is a vivid and alluring picture of Giles & Ethan out on a romp that turns into something else - if you haven't read this, please... it's like cannon that should have been.
Euphoria (Giles and Willow)
A sad but absolutely lovely ficlet that explores just how much Giles can commiserate with Willow's attempts to destroy the word.