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Jan 01, 2007 12:27

2006! It brought us a lot of new Giles fiction. Today I post two of my personal top 5 lists written for buffyversetop5. Why not write your own? It's fun! And I can't possibly cover all the good stuff.

Five things from summer_of_giles

For the months of June and July, summer_of_giles gave us a new Giles thing, every day. Here are five of my favorite things people made for this community:

twilightofmagic: Dancing in the Dark - Giles/Ethan, FRAO
Giles and Ethan and magic, teetering on the edge of control, when it was still good.

savoytruffle: Scar Tissue - Giles/Xander
Xander is staying with Giles, but not all is right with him. Giles is patient.

kindkit: Flight - genfic, FRC
Giles, en route to Sunnydale, getting his papers in order.

cheesygirl: 17 icons of Giles
Includes the fabulous "Rupertus Domesticus"!

snowdrifted: 121 icons of Giles
From "Welcome to the Hellmouth" to "Chosen", the changing face of our favorite Watcher.

Links broken, so I can't rec... alas
comedy42: Turning Triptych, part I, part II, part III - Giles/Spike, FRAO
Giles awakes as a vampire, with his Slayer dead.

Mad props go to katekat1010 for organizing the community! Let's hope we can talk her into doing it again this year.

Five Giles stories

heron-pose: The Psycho Killer Librarian and the Geek Girl of Doom, Or, How I Spent My Summer Vacation - genfic, FRT
Late fees. Replacement fees. And retribution.

kivrin: "When They Take You In" - genfic, FRT
After the Eyghon debacle, Rupert and his parents pick up the pieces.

ljs: Hugh Grant Explains It All for You, parts one, two, three, four of 4 - Giles/Anya, FRM
A romantic comedy about a stammering Englishman and a simple shopkeeper.

speakingsilence: The Definition of a Watcher - Giles/Wesley, FRAO
Giles offers a kind of consolation to Wesley, before he returns to his fate.

fairfax_snark: The Dark and Sinister Man - parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven - Giles/Buffy, FRM
A retelling of "A New Man". Ethan Rayne chooses something rather different to turn Giles into. A delicious exercise in the style of a famous writer, whose identity will become clear to you as you read.

season 6, giles/ethan, author:snowdrifted, author:kivrin, giles/wesley, reccer:antennapedia, author:heron_pose, season 2, post-series, author:kindkit, author:speakingsilence, author:savoytruffle, giles/anya, season 4, author:sniggs, giles/buffy, author:twilightofmagic, author:cheesygirl, gen, author:ljs, giles/xander, pre-series

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