Wednesday Fic Recs

Dec 13, 2006 23:12

If you're a fan of Giles and you like crossovers, you've no doubt encountered elementalv's The Key's Watcher series (BtVS/Anita Blake) and Stupid Portal (BtVS/ST:TNG). Those excellent crossover fics and others can be found at Elemental Vision.

M.I.A., crossover with due South, post-Chosen/NFA, FRT/PG-13, RayK/Fraser, but very much featuring Giles. This fic is so perfect it could be canon for both shows.

“I’ve been glared at by much scarier things than you, Ray, so don’t feel badly.” Crap. It figured he could read minds. “And no, I can’t read your mind. You have a remarkably expressive face.”

Isolated Elements, crossover with CSI, post-The Gift, FRAO/NC-17, Giles/Grissom. They're brilliant, they're silver-tongued, they're hot -- it works.

“What happened to you?” The tone of the question was equal parts concern, outrage and irritation.

Giles pursed his lips in annoyance at the interruption, taking time to put a second butterfly bandage in place before answering. “I woke up a while ago and decided to take a walk.”

“A walk. In the middle of the night. Alone.” Grissom stepped closer and reached for Giles’ face. “Let me see.”

reccer:anidada, crossover

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