trekker47 Corpus et SanguisPAiring Giles/Willow and Giles/Ethan, NC-17 in parts
This fic has the one thing that usually turns me off : mpreg. But I actually did like this season 5 AU where Giles and Willow eventually get married and Giles has Ethan Rayne's baby. No this is not a humor piece. Yes it is rated NC17 in parts. And I actually did like it.
mydeira and
sadbhyl and the
Menageaverse Series
Pairing Giles/Ethan/Joyce NC17 in parts
The authors even admit that this idea started off as a
joke. They rewrote sesons 4-7 with Giles, Ethan and Joyce as lovers. I admitt it's weird but I think it works.
3. kvwylie's
The Giles/Ira SeriesPairing: Giles/Ira Rosenberg (Willow's father) R
We never actually met Willow's father in the series but here he and Giles become partners. I like the first story inthe series best as that intoduces the concepts and gets the scoobies reactions which to me ring true.
elementalv Tripartite Buffy/Giles/Ethan not explicit
Any three some always gives me pause. But this is kinda of an interesting concept. The Borg have invaded and somehow Buffy, Giles and Wthan have become humanity's last hope. This rewrites season 5 bigtime.
Small Fry by Mad Poetess and James Walkswithwind
Ensemble piece with Giles, Buffy, Xander, Willow, Spike, hints at Spike/Xander
The concept sounded silly to me, a number of the scoobies revert to being four years olds. And I am sorry Spike fans , but I can't stand him. But really liked this fic. It is extremely funny.