Monday fic recs

Jul 24, 2006 13:25

Early-seasons sweet, stammering Giles. The Giles who practiced asking a chair out on a date. The Giles who preferred a good book and a cup of Bovril. Drinking, wenching Ripper!Giles is fun, I admit. Dark!Giles gives good angst. And Snitty!Giles, for whom sarcasm is an end in itself, is almost as dear. But sometimes you want to put the kettle on for Sweet!Giles.

All of these are Giles/Buffy, though that was accidental. (I bet sweet Giles can sometimes be found together with Willow or Joyce.)

The Practically perfect series by mythichistorian. (G/B, FRC)
Giles has inherited a very special gift from his grandmother, very special indeed. Using it takes him to a place he hadn't expected. Sweetness rating: 10/10 lumps.

The hogs beneath the skin by Gileswench. (G/B-ish, FRT)
Demon blood, so pesky and so often accompanied by plot-enhancing effects. This particular batch of blood gets all over Giles, and lowers his emotional barriers. Which moves him to sing. Sweetness rating: 8/10 lumps.

Teacher's pet by Rari. (G/B, FRAO)
Buffy's away at college, and a new Slayer has been sent to the Hellmouth. It's love, and even Buffy can see that. Sweetness rating: 9/10 lumps.

Finding the center by Luce. (G/B, FRAO)
Sometimes all a man needs is a good talk with his Mum. And maybe some raspberry tarts. Then maybe he can get over the fact that his Slayer has been ignoring him for months. Sweetness rating: 7/10 lumps.

author:gileswench, fluff, author:mythichistorian, author:luce, reccer:antennapedia, giles/buffy, author:rari coss, schmoop

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