Friday Fic Recs: Guilty Giles Part 2

Feb 11, 2006 00:46

It's a little past midnight... so I guess this is another late Friday rec. Sort of. I just missed it by 44 minutes!

For this week, it's another excellent few fics about Giles and his tormented conscience. :D

Title: It Rains When She Arrives
Author: unwinding
Rating: FRM
Pairing: B/G
Timeline: Post-Series
Length: Short
Summary: "She was given superpowers and the ability to save the world. He was given a diary that told him his charge will, too, die young."
Notes: I have to admit that this is stretching the theme a bit, but I'm still convinced this is one of the best "Giles does his duty no matter what" fics that I've read.

Title: Five Ways to Die a Slow Death [outside link]
Author: Annakovsky
Rating: FRM
Pairing: In order: Buffy/Giles, Giles/Joyce, Buffy/Giles, Gen, Giles/Ethan
Timeline: Seasons 2 through 6
Length: Medium
Summary: Five things that never happened to Giles.
Notes: Amazing "five things" fic. Each segment could really be the beginning of a massive epic AU, and I can't help but feel disappointed that there isn't any more. The Buffy/Giles and Giles/Joyce stories were especially shiver-inducing.

reccer:madwomanupthere, giles/joyce, post-series, giles/ethan, author:annakovsky, author:unwinding, giles/buffy, gen

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