2 Unusual Buffy/Giles for your reading pleasure tonight

Feb 24, 2008 19:10

The Dying Game (Buffy/Giles, NC17) by Tevye
One of the most enthralling Buffy/Giles that I've ever read, with this amazing OC that arrives in Sunnydale when Angelus is on the lose (and never makes her alligance clear).  This fic, unfortunately, really does stay WIP since Tevye's out of fandom (and has been for years), but MAN it's plotty goodness.  And it's 27 chapters worth of WIP, so you will get into the story, promise.  She has some wonderful ideas about Giles' early years, his strength as a Watcher, and just where he got trained.  And it's a Buffy that's growing up and growing into her power...

Property (Buffy/Giles, G) by shalott
A short, and not terribly sweet, season 6 Buffy who reflects back on her relationship with her watcher, and then on it's future.

And a question - what are your favorite "unusual" buffy/giles fics?

series, season 6, giles/oc, author:tevye, short, author:astolat, reccer:katekat1010, giles/buffy, season 2

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