Thursday night Rec

Jan 26, 2006 20:44

Title: The Crime in Passion
Author: KATHYP
Pairing: None but Giles/Jenny discussed
Rating: PG
Length: Short: 3 chapters

This essentially is a missing portion of "Passion." After Jenny is found murdered Giles is interviewed by the police. In the show nothing more happened with that portion of the plot. Here, it is developed more. Giles is interviewed and questions regarding Jenny's murder. If you have not tried any of KathyP's stories you should.

All of her stories are worth a look but some of my favorites include: Paladin, Healers Touch and Thursday Child.

This is being cross posted to agilesreader and giles_fic_recs.

If you are interested in the being the regular Thursday night fic reccer for giles_fic_recs please comment to this post.

char:buffy, char:angelus, gen, author:kathyp, season 2, reccer:agilesreader

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