Big Gay Hamlet Ficathon

Sep 08, 2011 09:52

I believe firmly in everyone's right to crack!AUs. I think that crack!AUs are one of fandom's greatest strengths--our endless capacity to reinvent the works that we love, and to stretch the boundaries of our readers' recognition, gives me hope for the possibility of creation and communion ( Read more... )

fandom: hamlet

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Horatio mithrigil September 8 2011, 14:03:23 UTC
Rhymes with fellatio.


Horatio/Hamlet mithrigil September 8 2011, 14:53:42 UTC
Pre-existing relationship. As the play begins to unfold, Hamlet becomes far too focused on his goals to remember to be properly in that relationship. Horatio does not stop him.


Horatio/Hamlet, Mastermind Horatio gehayi September 8 2011, 15:58:46 UTC
Everyone thinking that you're the epitome of honor just makes any machinations so much easier.


Fill: Tempted Toward the Flood lizzie_marie_23 October 31 2011, 17:46:28 UTC
This ended up being several thousand words of duplicity. I hope you enjoy!


Horatio/Hamlet, Wittenberg Fluff tree_and_leaf September 8 2011, 16:31:41 UTC
I'd love something fluffy (or funny) about Hamlet and Horatio at Wittenberg.

(Previous comment deleted because I messed up the header_.


Re: Horatio/Hamlet, Wittenberg Fluff a_t_rain September 11 2011, 03:37:21 UTC
This turned out way too long for comment-fic, so I've posted it at my own journal: Oranges and Spice.


Horatio/Hamlet [past], living on kindkit September 8 2011, 18:31:41 UTC
Outliving Hamlet isn't easy, but Fortinbras's court is a more comfortable place for [apologies for period-appropriate terminology] a sodomite than the old Danish court ever was.


FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) 17catherines September 10 2011, 06:22:17 UTC
Ah, Hamlet, Wittenberg seems far away,
For us the dons have rung their final bell.
I was your Trivium, when we did play;
You my Quadrivium, and I studied well:

I found in you geometry applied,
I knew each point and angle of your span.
I studied heavenly bodies at your side -
And learned well what a piece of work is man.

The sound of your slow breathing in the night
Was melody that only I could hear.
I counted as the sum of my delight
Each heartbeat, strong, iambic, by my ear.

Though heaven and earth hold greater things for thee
Thou’rt all my dreams, all my philosophy.


Re: FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) executrix September 10 2011, 13:30:47 UTC
Absolutely brilliant. I am awed and grateful!


Re: FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) 17catherines September 11 2011, 04:29:41 UTC
You're very welcome! And thank you.


Re: FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) gileonnen September 10 2011, 14:44:35 UTC
I'm so glad you brought this to the ficathon! I was so impressed when I read it on your LJ--so elegant, and so deft with the text! (And. Um. *__* Mathematics kink. HI.)


Re: FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) 17catherines September 11 2011, 04:30:23 UTC
Thank you! And thank you for hosting this ficathon - it's so much fun!


Re: FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) tekalynn September 10 2011, 19:59:22 UTC
Yesssss! Gorgeous!


Re: FIC (Poetry): Quadrivium (or, Horatio's Studies) 17catherines September 11 2011, 04:27:55 UTC
Thank you!


Ficlet: Follow You lizzie_marie_23 September 16 2011, 06:20:52 UTC
Act Five, Scene Two
Horatio: Here's yet some liquor left. (drinks) Ah, Hamlet, I have followed you into the dark. What dreams shall come?
Hamlet: Hoooratiooo, I have come from beyond the grave to haunt you! Ooooh!
Horatio: Dear friend, I'm just as dead as you. Look - we're close enough to touch.
Hamlet: Ooooh, Horatio, I have come to warn you of a terrible mistake! My best friend has died and it is the fault of a smiling damned villain. Aveeeenge hiiiis deeeeaaath!
Horatio: Listen, I'm serious. Stop this nonsense. Take my hand and run into the Elysian fields. We can be happy now.
Hamlet: Adieu, adieu, Horatio. Remember Me!
Horatio: God damn it, I should never have killed myself.
Hamlet: Now you understand my pain. I shall follow you forever to make sure you never forget.


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