(no subject)

Feb 10, 2011 17:55

Question for cat-owners:

Yesterday, I acquired a cat. He is a skittish little thing and has decided that the framing area of the drawer beneath my oven is the absolute best place to hide. In case that description isn't totally clear, I've made a map.

My difficulty is--he hasn't come out of there since yesterday, as far as I can tell, and he hasn't eaten or had any water or used the litterbox. I know it's normal for cats to be anxious and retiring when they first come to a new place, but I'm genuinely afraid he's not going to come out, and I'm not sure what I should do. I've put the food and water close to his hiding-place, and now I'm trying to decide whether I should somehow attempt to extricate him from there. I'm new to cats, and I did not foresee that he would choose such a difficult-to-access place to be his lair. (I did not actually know that this space existed before he chose it.)

What ought I to do?

Edit: He has come out! And used the litterbox! And he is now attempting to get the better of his anxiety and explore the kitchen area. :D :D :D

-- Gil

Side note: Love to my little fellow, whom I've scarcely seen since he came here. ;__;

feline companion

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