Continuing Apartment Issues

Jan 28, 2010 09:16

A few posts back, in the "Drowning in Shit Creek" entry, I talked about everything that had gone wrong for me at UNCC and how I owed back a thousand dollars for dropping too many classes. Well, no updates on that. In that same entry, I also talked about the situation with my apartment. I had moved out, but I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get out of the lease or not and what that might entail.

The rent is due at the beginning of each month, and I went ahead and paid for December even though I was no longer staying there. I kept procrastinating when it came to talking to management. I automatically assumed it'd be bad news. However, when I finally made a call and talked to the main lady and explained to her my situation, she said that it was no big deal, that new people were wanting to move in anyway for the start of the new semester, and that they no longer had enough space. She told me to come down to their office and sign a release form. So, the next day I went to Charlotte, and, as usual, things immediately went haywire. The doors to the main building were locked and there was a sign saying they were in a meeting. I waited, and waited, and waited. Apparently the meeting never fucking ended.

It wasn't a big deal, though. I had brought along some clothes and other necessities since I planned on staying a few nights in my apartment. (I had paid for December, after all; might as well get some use out of it.) Brad, the roommate I quickly grew to despise and the one whom I took my "revenge" on by tearing all his posters and whatnot, heard about me coming, and he decided to spend that entire week at his girlfriend's apartment instead. (For some reason he thought I was there to kill him. Kind of hilarious.) The week itself was pretty fun. I bought a new bong and a couple friends and I mostly just got high all week. I had missed my dear sweet Mary Jane.

Anyways, while I was in the apartment, I eventually took care of the business with management. I signed the release form, and learned that I also had to pay $200 for it to be "official." Lucky me. None of the people there ever asked for my keys and stuff, so I kept them.

About a week into January I got a call from a guy named Gavin saying that he wanted to move into my apartment. I had assumed somebody was already living in it, so I was surprised when I got his call. I told him "Yeah, you can move into tomorrow for all I care. I moved out over a month ago." And he was like, "Well, what do I need to do?" (Just a sign of the glorious management at my apartment complex!) The next day I got a call from the main manager lady. She asked me to turn in my keys and security stuff and that I still needed to sign some form. I told her to just mail it to me and I'd mail her the keys and stuff. She also informed me that I would still be required to pay the rent up until the day the new guy moved in. This was news to me, because I was under the impression that signing a "RELEASE" form and paying a $200 fee absolved me from all future payment or involvement. Later that same day, I got a call from this faggot that works there and he told me that I needed to pay the entire $450 (the cost of a month's rent) and the apartment would just reimburse me what the difference was once Gavin moved in. I just kind of said, "whatever," and let him think I would pay it.

Of course, I never had any intention of paying them another goddamn penny. They had led me to believe that the release form and $200 absolved me from everything. I thought I was done with them. If so many people were wanting to move in like the manager said, they should've had somebody in my apartment at the first of the month. Also, if they expect me to pay up until somebody new moves in, why were they bullshitting and wasting time by having the guy contact me instead of just doing the goddamn job themselves? That right there wasted at least 2 or 3 extra days, about an additional $45.

Every tenant is expected to pay $450 at the beginning of August, an entire month's rent, yet nobody is allowed to move in until the 15th. That's two weeks everyone pays for that they aren't even allowed to live there. It's bullshit. And that's yet another reason I refused to pay them anymore money. Also, the month before I moved out, my roommates and I were charged with a $25 noise fee. I learned later that I was the only one who paid it. Management never even said anything about it to my other roommates. So that right there was even more money I felt like I had just given to the apartment for no fucking reason.

I now realize that the whole goddamn apartment complex is a fucking scam, stealing and taking advantage of young naíve college students. If only I'd known that a year ago when I signed the lease!

The day after I talked to the manager lady, I mailed them the keys and security card thing. She supposedly was going to mail me one final form to sign. Yet it never came. Three weeks later, I still haven't received it. I eventually talked to one of my roommates to see what was going on. The guy named Gavin never moved in. Instead, about a week ago, some Muslim motherfucker moved into my room, which I thought was pretty hilarious. That's made my roommates feel uncomfortable, and I hope they hate him and don't get along with him. I also kinda hope that he's a suicide bomber who plans on blowing up the school. Maybe the apartment complex will burn down in the process.

To add further hilarity to the situation, a couple days ago I opened my mailbox to find my apartment keys mailed back to me. It said "Return to Sender: No Such Address." I checked the address, and it was the exact same as the address printed on the folders supplied to me by the apartment when I first moved in. I went back and checked some of their brochures, and the address is slightly different. Yet further proof that nobody working there knows what the fuck they're doing and that the entire complex is run by a bunch of incompetent scammers. They probably all received their education across the street at UNCC. That would certainly explain a lot.

I haven't heard anything from the apartment people in about three weeks now. No calls or anything. It seems odd that they never called me when they didn't receive my keys. It also seems weird that they haven't harassed me anymore about their money. I have a pretty strong feeling, however, that all this isn't over. It says in the lease that they will pursue payment and take legal action if necessary. I dare them. I already feel like I should contact some kind of local media and expose those motherfuckers for what they really are.

Signing that lease was the most "grown-up" thing I've ever done, and all it did was backfire in my face. Deciding to go to UNCC and move into that apartment were the two biggest mistakes of my life. I swear to God, everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. From the moment I moved in--- hell, even from the moment I was accepted at UNCC back in the fall--- everything has been one continual shitpile. All it did was cost me lots of money, put me in debt, and waste a year of my fucking life . . .

A stepping stone, my ass.
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