Jun 05, 2012 08:38
I get really depressed the first day of the work week. I don't know why, it's part time (I was tricked into thinking it would be full time) and if not for the amount per hour it would be a total joke. At least I'm getting IT experience, about a year's worth now. I do need a second job though, which sucks. Hopefully with a year of experience under my belt I can get a job at NOT a small business for once. Working for small businesses has always been a negative experience for me. I did realize something though, life is a catch 22. Everything about life seems backwards or is illogical. For example, without conflict, life would be boring and meaningless. Think of the last movie, tv show, or game you played. Without conflict, it would have been pointless and boring. Imagine Batman in a city with no supervillians that need to be stopped, or Commander Shepard in a Galaxy without the Reapers. Writing in this always makes me feel better. Off to work.