I guess it's a good thing I didn't ask about going to Summer Camping. Turns out that anti-depressant medication doesn't mix so well with alcohol. As you might have gleaned from the previous statement, I had my appointment with the doctor today. Wherein he confirimed that I do indeed have depression, and (with my permission) put me on Paxil. Whee!
With calyx, I have decided to mostly forego a client library. What, you ask, will the application authors create their interfaces in? That's a simple answer, though. Postscript.
For those that understand what it means, I'm reimplementing NeWS. Only, I think I can make it better. But it'll still have the extensibility that NeWS had. And if I play it just right, I can get network transparency for free. That in particular isn't a very important function (really, how often do you run remote X11 apps? compared to the number of apps you run?), but it's nice. And it'll be better than X. (Though, shitting on a plate is better than X.)
This is what NeWS (in this case, SGI's 4Sight) gave us in 19882.
This is what X11 (SGI's IMD - for consistency and effect) gives us todayWhich is worse?
This arrived while I was checking my email over lunch:
From: letsch@mail.isc.rit.edu
To: class@ritvax.isc.rit.edu
Subject: Class Message for Course - General Chemistry I
From: Laura Tubbs
Course: General Chemistry I Section: 1010251-01
Hi Everybody,
I don't have a good way to contact all of the second year students so I am
using old class lists. You might get this twice. I have a lead on a coop for
Fall that is appropriate for someone with just one year of classes. It is here
in the Rochester area and you can live in on campus housing while on coop.
Please let me know if you want more information.
Dr Tubbs
And not two minutes later, I get this:
From: letsch@mail.isc.rit.edu
To: class@ritvax.isc.rit.edu
Subject: Class Message for Course - General Chemistry Ii
From: Laura Tubbs
Course: General Chemistry Ii Section: 1010252-01
Hi Everybody,
I don't have a good way to contact all of the second year students so I am
using old class lists. You might get this twice. I have a lead on a coop for
Fall that is appropriate for someone with just one year of classes. It is here
in the Rochester area and you can live in on campus housing while on coop.
Please let me know if you want more information.
Dr Tubbs
Attentive readers know that I haven't been a chemistry student for a touch over six months. I should ask about them, just for shits.