(no subject)

Jul 27, 2003 02:49

((Chat comes before this))

Lai: *holds his Rumil doll tightly and wanders the edge of the camp looking for a good tree to hide in*
Silinde: *stalks*
Lai: *unaware* *kisses the top of the doll's head, murmers something, then keeps looking for his tree*
Silinde: *sighs in dismay and notices something moving ahead* ... *settles on not warning Lai about it, thinking it may bring him to his senses should it attack*
Lai: *also notices the moving... thing* *tilts his head, trying to figure out what it is*
Gildor: *staggers out of a bush, somewhat out of breath, and notices the other two* ..!! Oi. H'llo.
Lai: Gildor? o.o hi!

Gildor: Hiii. o.o; I've been looking everywhere for you. I got lost. We need to talk.
Silinde: *launches self at Gildor* *BEATS* WHERE WERE YOU?
Lai: *holds his doll tighter* o.o SIL!
Silinde: Gildor, you bitch. ;_; *sobs*
Gildor: *gets away from Silinde, leaving him crying under a bush* ... Right. Lai. Wraiths!
Lai: *goes over and pets Silinde comfortingly* Wraiths?
Gildor: Wraiths. Was out dancing in a field -- lost my clothes -- and then the wench showed up and couldn't touch me, but she tried to strike a deal with me to catch her husband thing in the act or something. I'm still confused about the whole thing, but I don't have very much time to decide what to do. Need your advice. *shifty look at Silinde* You're the sanest person here.
Lai: Honestly, I'd give that title to Sil these days... but, what did she say? *has the doll give Sil a dollkiss on the nose as he speaks*

Silinde: *tries to bite the doll, but continues weeping*

Gildor: She said that she thinks he's been lying to both of us and that she wants to pretend like we've fallen in love, so as to catch him doing something he shouldn't be. She offered me equal custody of our daughter, but I don't want to betray Six if he's been telling me the truth. *sighs*
Lai: *wipes away a few of Sil's tears as he considers* Why not play both sides? It's obvious there's something going on between them. Find out everything you can from both, but don't tell everything to either. That way you can keep yourself out of danger, and possibly have a weapon against one or both of them.
Gildor: *blinks*
Gildor: Why didn't I think of that?
Lai: *shrugs*
Silinde: *chucks rocks at Gildor from the ground* Dumbass.
Lai: *grabs both of Sil's hands* Stop it. No causing trouble in your condition.
Silinde: *gnaws on Lai's fingers lightly* Not causing trouble.
Lai: It would be a bad thing for you to get tackled, even in play. You could hurt the baby. So stop antagonizing Gildor.
Gildor: *blinks* ... Baby?
Lai: *picks up his doll and rises* Yes. Baby. Sil's... well, pregnant
Gildor: ... This is the most bizarre my life has ever been. How'd that happen?
Lai: *looks at Sil then his doll then releases a long sigh* We're not entirely sure. We're not even certain who the father would be
Gildor: o.o
Lai: it's either myself or... or Rumi... *clenches the doll tighter and looks away quickly*
Gildor: Let's hope it's you, then.
Lai: *nods silently and looks at Sil*
Gildor: *pats Lai on the shoulder* Had a rough time while I was gone? You seem a bit troubled.
Lai: *nods again*
Gildor: *collects a pouting Silinde from the ground, half dragging him back toward the tents* If you want to talk about it, I'll listen. I think we need to get Sil to bed, though.
Lai: he needs rest, yes. But no, I don't want to talk about it right now.
Seven: *in a soft sing-song manner* Three little Elfies sitting in the night, soon to have an awful fright! *slips out of the shadows and stands before Gildor* Time's up, Elf..
Silinde: ... *hiss*
Gildor: *pales slightly* Ah... Hi, Adunaphel.

Seven: Gildor, dearest. I hope you've made your decision and I do hope it's the right one. *crouches next to Sil and pets his cheek* Hullo, fellow mother.
Lai: *stiffens slightly and moves closer to Silinde, to protect him if need be*
Silinde: *frowns as his eyes begin to tear again*
Gildor: I have. *shifts nervously* I'll... I'll do what you ask.
Seven: *smiles and rises* Good. If you don't mind, I'd like for you to prove your willingness by getting rid of the magick that keeps me from touching you
Lai: *thinks of a certain someone he's currently unable to touch and nearly bursts into tears but for a well timed biting of his lower lip*
Gildor: *hesitates* 'Course. *discards the beryl stone given to him by Lai, and offers it to Silinde*

Silinde: *takes the stone, glaring at Seven*
Seven: *smiles sweetly* Thank you. *kisses Gildor* I'll be seeing you soon. *curtsies and disappears into the night*
Gildor: ... Well, that wasn't too bad. *blinks*
Lai: she seemed... different. Almost as if there was less of her despite the weight she's gained in pregnancy. *shakes his head* Maybe I'm just going crazy with Sil's pregnancy and Rumi's disappearance and everything else that's been going on...

Gildor: You're not crazy. I kinda got that impression too. *peers at Lai for a moment as though about to say something, but decides not to push the subject of Rumil*

Lai: Watch for more signs of that. And be mindful of yourself. I have enough to worry about without you.
Gildor: Don't worry about me, I'm careful.
Silinde: No you're not.
Gildor: *glares*
Lai: You're a father now, that means you have to be responsible. More then just your life is in your hands.
Gildor: I know that. *sighs irritably* Let's go get some sleep, shall we? I'm tired.
Lai: You and Sil go. I won't be able to sleep. *looks up at the stars* My bed is cold and empty
Silinde: I'd warm it for you~. Your bed is more comfortable than mine, anyway. *plucks at his hair absentmindedly*
Lai: I'd appreciate that, but there are parts of me even you could never warm up completely
Silinde: *slumps slightly* Mmkay. Bedtime for Silly, then. I'll kill you tomorrow, Gildor. *smiles sweetly* Goodniiight~!
Lai: Sil. Not so much with the killing, ok? I would hate to have to tie you to the bed
Silinde: I'm not being serious, Lai. *sigh* But fiiine. Not that I wouldn't like being tied to the bed, y'know... Hint hint. *skitters off to his tent*
Lai: *sighs* Rumil PLEASE come back soon. He's too much. *looks at the doll in his hands*
Gildor: *frowns at Lai* He's not that much trouble, is he?
Lai: He's not, and yet... he is, if you take my meaning.
Gildor: *nods slowly* I suppose he would be, for one in your position.

Lai: I spent so many centuries alone, and now that I've found love... it's too much and someone will end up being hurt
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