A question to all the Smallville/CLex fans out there.......

Jul 04, 2008 20:12

I posted my (evergrowing) CLex song list here: http://gildinwen.livejournal.com/73453.html#cutid1.

I was just wondering, what are the songs that make you think of the CLex?

It doesn't matter if you think of them as lovers (or ex-lovers as the case may be) or just friends.

What are the songs that when you hear them, make you think "OMG that's such a Clex song!!!" / "If Clark had a song  when he thought about Lex it would be this!!"/ "This is so Lex's song when he thinks about Clark!!" Or variations thereof? Just wondering.

And in case you are wondering, I will actually put up a Supernatural Playlist as well, or maybe I'll do them both seperately, one for Sam and one for Dean.

clex, a question

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