Apr 24, 2009 14:17
So when I was surfing I found a titbit from the Smallville season 4 handbook that made me smile.
Apparently Kristin noticed and liked the chemistry between Clark and Alicia, (his ill-fated girlfriend, and for a short while, wife). Al and Miles also said that Alicia was the girl that they would have liked to see Clark end up with (ignoring Lois and Lana) and have a relationship with.
Me: Wait.........So they're saying that in their opinion the best match for Clark is a meteor infected mutant, who's also a science geek, and can quote ancient Roman and Greek anecdotes. Emphasis on the Greek ones. And who developed a wee bit of an obession with him. And who had a crappy childhood?
Who else does that describe?????.
*whistles innocently*
Did I mention the inquistiveness. if not there you go. Jeez they weren't even trying to be subtle were they???