Just one last post today, I swear.

Dec 23, 2005 15:26

They say to use that big damn table thing they have for fanfic100, but what if you don't like tables? What if you list being outside the mainstream, different than the group. What if you're like me, and all that HTML really hurts your head?

01. Beginnings: Welcome To New York
02. Middles: Down For The Count
03. Ends: Against The Wall
04. Insides: Bleeding On The Bathroom Floor
05. Outsides: The Double Standard
06. Hours: Move Along (Only In Hours)
07. Days: Move Along (The Days Between Us)
08. Weeks: Move Along (Passing Weeks)
09. Months: Move Along (The Months That Come And Go)
10. Years: Move Along (Years Gone By)
11. Red: Red, Red, Red Heat
12. Orange: Thankful
13. Yellow: Perfecting the Techniques of Applying Peroxide
14. Green: Prologue to the Story of a Starving Artist
15. Blue: Shaken Up
16. Purple
17. Brown
18. Black
19. White
20. Colorless
21. Friends: Just Between Friends
22. Enemies
23. Lovers: Boyfriends, Right?
24. Family
25. Strangers
26. Teammates
27. Parents
28. Children: Kids Will Be Kids
29. Birth
30. Death: Nothing To Say
31. Sunrise
32. Sunset
33. Too Much: Don't Say It
34. Not Enough: Leaving You Behind
35. Sixth Sense
36. Smell
37. Sound
38. Touch
39. Taste
40. Sight
41. Shapes
42. Triangle
43. Square
44. Circle
45. Moon
46. Star
47. Heart
48. Diamond
49. Club
50. Spade
51. Water
52. Fire
53. Earth
54. Air
55. Spirit
56. Breakfast
57. Lunch
58. Dinner: Best Left Unsaid (Starving Artist Overdub)
59. Food: Food For Thought
60. Drink
61. Winter
62. Spring: Tender Love & Care
63. Summer: All Tied Up
64. Fall
65. Passing
66. Rain
67. Snow
68. Lightening
69. Thunder
70. Storm
71. Broken
72. Fixed
73. Light
74. Dark
75. Shade
76. Who?: Who Am I?
77. What?
78. Where?: Where To Begin?
79. When?
80. Why?
81. How?
82. If: Take Me Home
83. And
84. He
85. She
86. Choices
87. Life
88. School
89. Work: Send Me Reeling
90. Home
91. Birthday
92. Christmas: Santa Blows
93. Thanksgiving
94. Independence
95. New Year
96. Writer’s Choice: Bedtime Stories For Bohemians
97. Writer’s Choice: Everyone But Him
98. Writer’s Choice: All Those Sweet Kisses
99. Writer’s Choice: Being
100. Writer’s Choice: Clean Up

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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