Fanfic: Welcome To New York (Mark/Roger)

Dec 18, 2005 03:18

Okay. So I wasn't going to post this until I had a few more done, but I figure now is as good a time as any. ^^ Alright, so I'm just to excited to wait any longer.

Anyway... I own Mark Cohen!

At least in the eyes of fanfic100. And, when you think about it, isn't that all that really matters?

As wickedwitchy would say "My fandom is like Mark... It likes to be tied up ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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shadow_puppets December 18 2005, 14:25:24 UTC
You own Mark? *extreme jealousy*


Can I borrow him? lol


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 17:09:28 UTC
No. Mine.

Only Roger is allowed to "borrow" him, and only if I can watch. ^.~


shadow_puppets December 18 2005, 17:10:41 UTC
mmm...I;ll bring the popcorn...


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 17:11:27 UTC
I'll bring the handcuffs.


blankhorizons_x December 20 2005, 00:09:43 UTC
shameless icon stealing? -inquire-


shadow_puppets December 20 2005, 00:11:12 UTC
Oh I'm sorry is it yours? I'll credit. Sorry I'm a little absent minded at times.


blankhorizons_x December 21 2005, 21:38:13 UTC

its yours. or whoever you stole it from.
i was asking to steal it from YOU.


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