
Jul 23, 2010 14:41

Hey :)
I'm sorry I haven't been around lately a lot. :/ But I have a new batch for you and I hope you like it! :)

[06] Twilight Cast
[20] Glee
[13] Harry Potter
[26] Skins
[04] Jérémy Kapone & Culkin brothers
[04] Prince of Persia

[01] Texture set (#2)
[01] Icon Bases France


Twilight Cast

;; 1 - 4

;; 4 - 6


;; 1 - 4

;; 5 - 8

;; 9 - 12

;; 13 - 16

;; 17 - 20

Harry Potter

;; 1 - 4

;; 5 - 8

;; 9 - 12

;; 13


;; 1 - 4

;; 5 - 8

;; 9 - 12

;; 13 - 16

;; 17 - 20

;; 21 - 24

;; 25 - 26

Jérémy Kapone & Culkin brothers

;; 1 - 4

Prince of Persia

;; 1 - 4

Texture Set #2


Icon Bases: France


Do you like my work? Feel free to WATCH this community :)

Comments are love ♥ (yeah comments really make me happy <3)
It can't be that hard to write a simple "Thank you" or something in the comment box when taking something :)
# Textless icons aren't bases!
# Please Credit! (hysteriabyradio or gildedanddusted )
* How to credit?
* Do not edit textures or claim them as your own!
* Do not claim the icon bases as your own.

male: culkin, male: robert pattinson, male: jeremy kapone, !textures, tv show: skins, tvshow: glee, !icons, movies: harry potter, movies: prince of persia, female: kristen stewart, !bases

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