Here's a really interesting article on the job market
This sounds like it really sucks for those interns. As I was reading it, I reflected on my own situation as a 25 year old who just graduated. I only got this job because I said I was willing to work for free, it turned out that it pays really well (because I passed the bar and can be paid way
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I started to do a little bit of learning how to use the Office Suite products on my own, because it was there and I figured it would be good to know more in case I wanted to apply for a promotion or look elsewhere for work. When things were slow, my direct supervisor in my last work area even let me work the modules while I was on the clock, because it could be justified as a responsible use of my time.
I recognize that people see me as silly for having an English major. But, I am smart enough to know how to market the skills that I do have--as you mentioned, writing, research, effective communication. I'd love to get into technical writing... but by the time it's feasible for me to return to work, I don't know that I'll still want to do that.
I think it's understandable for moms coming back into the workforce- we just hired someone like that and it was NBD. And the computer skills are awesome! A lot of people want someone who can do administrative stuff and also build a website. That's a skill I sort of wanted too.
It's just keeping yourself marketable- I went and took this "Strengths" test, by these pyschologists who believe that if you invest in your strengths and combine with people who have strengths you don't have, you can be successful more easily than constantly trying to improve on weaknesses. I already have ideas for cover letters that I want to write using my strengths.
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