(no subject)

May 15, 2010 20:50

So, I know that I've been really quiet here lately, not like I've posted a whole lot of anythng interesting at all, haha. I started writing a story, but it isn't working out the way that I'd like it to, so I'm going to be putting it on pause for a bit. I don't think that I'm as creative as I'd like myself to be, so that's probably why it's not going well, haha. I've decided that I'm probably going to be fairly quiet here for a bit, just randomly commenting on stories I've read, and trying to make some new friends, which is a little easier said than done. Everybody here that I'm interested in getting to know also sort of intimidates me, lol. Everybody seems so close and friendly, I feel like I'm the new, geeky kid trying to muscle my way into the cool kids group. So, I guess I'll just randomly update on what's going on with me, it sort of feels good to throw what I'm doing out there, and get some feedback on it. Even if it's just a little.

This week, I'm going to try to get the ball rolling on getting myself a teaching gig. It's been my dream for a while now to go teach English as a second language in either Japan or Korea. My heart is sort of set on going to Japan though. The couple friends that I've told about this, they don't understand why I want to go there, and to a degree I don't either. It just seems like a pretty great oppertunity, even though I don't know a whole heck of a lot about the culture and everything. I'm starting to learn about it, but I don't entirely trust the internet with this sort of thing, lol. So, that's the big thing that I'm going to be updating on, and I will be slowly working on my story, seeing if I can get it to make sense, haha.

But for now, I'm gonna go hang out with my new BFF, Pepto-Bismol. I've been so wonky lately, and the fact that tomorrow will mark my 8th consecutive day of work. All in all though, I'm happy to get the money, I really need it. Alright, I guess I should put an end to my ramblings for now, and cuddle with Pepto, and a snuggly warm blanket.
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