Oct 28, 2005 10:54
hey okay so yesturday waz amazin, went ovr to kt house to make our cell lol, well so that waz fun, and we put apples and pears on it, and everyone wanted our pizza, it waz sweet!!! but we ran out, and i didnt even get a piece (not like i wanted a cold piece of pizza neway, it makes me sick), but yeah... so jenn's cookie waz awsome, her partner waz lauren, and she waznt here =( but so it waz awxome, i had ike 2 pieces, and the icin waz the best part, but neway so last night...after i went to kt's house, brandi picked us up, adn we went to wendy's and then we came back home and we ate our food, and then kt &brandi made me watch the ring 2 i hate scary movies, so i had to pee b4 i watched it, or i would hav peed durin the middle, and brandi goes outside of the bathroom and she's beaten the door, and screamin all crazy, so then we're watchin, and im shakin durin the whole like first 4 hours, and it was so suspenful (actually it waznt, but i HATE scary movies) and so then kt wants us to leave and go trick-or-treatin and im like no, u wanted me to watch this movie so now im gonna watch it!! so then next thing we know we see some hot guy walkin, and brandi goes "wow he's hot" and then he comes closer and i go of course hes hot, he jon cripps, it waz so funny, so then we saw some other ppl and brandi's like "HORES!" and so then there waz this little kid, and we put this sign up that said to go to the other door b/c her dad has his cumputer table in front of their normal door, and it says "go to the other door fools" and so brandi goes, she probably cat read it (because she's just standin at the door) so her mom's passin out candy and the little kids mom is tellin the other kids mom, "they better not be tellin my litter grl that she cant read" it was so funny!!! we were inside, and we were laughin the entire time, so then we went trick-or-treatin, and we went to like 4 houses, and then we came bak and finished watchin the ring, and so the mmom of the little boy, is puttin pills in the boy's pb&j, and i thought she waz overdossin hm, and waz tryin to kill him, and so then she puts him to bed, and then in the bathtub, while he waz sleepin, and i thought she waz tryin to drown him, so im like bawlin my eyes out it waz so sad, and it waz the cutest scary movie i hav evr seen, brandi's mom said she waz gonna scare me until she saw that i waz cryin lol!!
it was so xitin!!!