no one got sick and i didnt fall at all this weekend. I'm so proud of us.
thursday i found out that i cant play rock paper sissors with two hands. mizuki made me laugh so hard i had an asthma attack. it was really fun, pictures can be found here; friday night was the black and gold fashion show. it went really well, jason and andrew were awesome and the dances were really hot, food was decent, though i had to steal coffee and creamer from the wait station.
after we came back we played some intense catchphrase. team vagina won but i was still past hammered. we got our dance together, pure genius. then we went to the black and gold after party where i shook my ass around and apparently put my number in two guy's cell phones. no one, not even the public saftey officer could rememeber the end to that rhyme...miss susey had a steam boat the steam boat had a bell... we played trust games on the steps of hogan 3. i made sure everyone knew how much i appreciated them. jason killed his ankle playing in the snow outside hogan. it was a really good time, i was really craving a good dance party. everyone came back to my room after and it quickly became a total sausage fest. the gentlemen departed and i was up talking to mizu til 6 am. we dont know exactly what it was but whatever we did that night must have been awesome because this morning the entire membership of bsu was giving mizu, jen and me hugs and kisses. i think it was our dance. oh meng
i have another bruise on my ass, but all reports say i didnt fall for once, so thats a mystery.
and today i did NOTHING, and it was everything i thought it could be.
so much work to do