Apr 15, 2005 16:48
S0freshs0clean81: suck my dicky
DDR Gilb3rt: ummmm
S0freshs0clean81: cumm?
DDR Gilb3rt: who is this?
S0freshs0clean81: itz ian yo
S0freshs0clean81: letz fuck
DDR Gilb3rt: why are u IMing me?
S0freshs0clean81: cuz ur a fag
S0freshs0clean81: who sucks big cock
DDR Gilb3rt: look whos talking
S0freshs0clean81: u look like a girl
DDR Gilb3rt: dun make me go over there and knock ur ass out u fucking white trash
S0freshs0clean81: go ahead and try
S0freshs0clean81: I dare you, fag
DDR Gilb3rt: ur think ur kinda glued to that word "fag" u "fag"
S0freshs0clean81: to bad ill fuck you up
S0freshs0clean81: lets get it poppin, pussy
DDR Gilb3rt: u goin to the tourney tomorow?
S0freshs0clean81: no cause thats gay
DDR Gilb3rt: thats what i though u fag
DDR Gilb3rt: thought*
S0freshs0clean81: why dont you come by my hood
DDR Gilb3rt: why not mine?
S0freshs0clean81: cause you live deep
DDR Gilb3rt: even though i fight my own battles
S0freshs0clean81: your mad weak
DDR Gilb3rt: cause u live deep
S0freshs0clean81: but ur always on SI
S0freshs0clean81: fucking homo
S0freshs0clean81: next time I see you, im gunna rock ur jaw
S0freshs0clean81: the end.
DDR Gilb3rt: ur addicted to every word that revoles around homo sexual
DDR Gilb3rt: ur so hohophobic
S0freshs0clean81: HOHO
DDR Gilb3rt: homophobic*
S0freshs0clean81: to bad u cant beat me
S0freshs0clean81: puss
DDR Gilb3rt: looks whos not goin to sba tomorow
DDR Gilb3rt: thats why u dun say shit to me anymore that will make me mad cause u know ill knock ur ass out
DDR Gilb3rt: fag
DDR Gilb3rt: say whateva u want
DDR Gilb3rt: i dun care
S0freshs0clean81: when I see you, im gunna fuck you up
S0freshs0clean81: the end
DDR Gilb3rt: ok
DDR Gilb3rt: ur not goin to do shit
DDR Gilb3rt: you've said that before
DDR Gilb3rt: and didnt do nothin
S0freshs0clean81: So why dont you swing at me if ur mouth can run
S0freshs0clean81: ill break your face littlun
DDR Gilb3rt: S0freshs0clean81: when I see you, im gunna fuck you up
S0freshs0clean81: the end
DDR Gilb3rt: go ahead fuck me up
S0freshs0clean81: Fag
S0freshs0clean81: I will
S0freshs0clean81: dont worry
DDR Gilb3rt: i dun do nothin unless someone does something to me
DDR Gilb3rt: so u first
DDR Gilb3rt: and when i see you i wanna see you punch me
S0freshs0clean81: I WILL
S0freshs0clean81 signed off at 4:48:04 PM
he got me so mad
i wanna see him put a finger on me