Offering apologies...

Jan 05, 2004 17:13

My apologies for writing all about how "terrible" my life is. I realize there are a lot of people out there with worse things going on in their own lives and my posts in retrospect, sounded whiny and pathetic. Thanks to all those who showed concern though, occasionally, it is nice to be able to know that someone would like for you to feel better.

My husband looked at me last night and said "Gusto, hon?" and I remembered my desire to do that, to live my life on my own terms, today was much better...

I am pretty determined to find the money for school. I don't know how, but I am sure that I can if I really really batton down the hatches. We'll see. I can't spend another semester like last semester, I will go insane...

In other news I have read three and a half books, I am almost a tenth of the way to the 50bookchallenge I have set for myself this year!

whiny, school, work, husband

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