Back in the 804...

Aug 04, 2006 11:11

So the reading was amazing, there were a few grumbly points before and after and even Pud and I were grumbly with each other between the heat and the waiting...

For the two people on the planet who haven't heard about the reading here is a quick rundown:
- Whoopi Golderg comes out does some fun stand-up and talks a bit about the charities.
- Tim Robbins comes out and introduces Stephen King.
- King comes out and does a reading from "The Body" (the pie eating contest scene).
- Stanley Tucci introduces John Irving.
- Irving performs a reading from "A Prayer for Owen Meany".
- Kathy Bates introduced Rowling (Kathy is looking great these days).
- Rowling read from "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" the bit where Harry and Dumbldore go back to visit a young Tom Riddle.
- Q&A moderated by Soledad O'Brien with a question for Rowling from Salman Rushdie! (!)

A good synopsis can be found here and especially for Pud read about King's question to Rowling and her response that aside from Voldemort all of her characters are redeemable.

vanyavende sorry I missed you again... In the Fall when it is cooler I would love to come up for a couple of days just to get together.

Changes are underway over at monstericons check us out soon!

radio city music hall, the haven foundation, writers, doctors without borders, tim robbins, stanley tucci, stephen king, kathy bates, harry potter, salman rushdie, john irving, j.k. rowling, new york

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