What day is it?

Mar 08, 2006 10:00

According to my CNN breaking news alert, they have arrested two people in connection with the church fires in Alabama.

Where is your peace?
Not enough to look at no matter where you go, always feeling empty and vulnerable. Well, build yourself a hut and make a home for yourself among waterfalls and giant spiders.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
stolen from rolypolypony

Only 7 people have voted in my poll from yesterday, if you haven't please do, it is fun to see what others think. So far most of the questions have at least a few right answers, there is one that EVERYONE got right and one that NO ONE has gotten right yet...

Time has been all weird this week since hubby started his new position... I feel like I don't even know what day it is...

polls, news, personal, memes

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