Before I get back to work...

Feb 10, 2006 10:57

Harry Potter Canon Meme:
As a comment to this entry,
List your very own seven predictions for book seven!
Then post your list in your own journal and see what others have to say!

My predictions:
1. Harry will survive.
2. The centaurs and the giants will play an important part. The forbidden forest is becoming a very dangerous place, someone will die there.
3. Hermione will make a choice that is out of character.
4. Draco may extend an olive branch to Harry, or accept one from him.
5. We will discover something new and important about the founders, (Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, adn Gryffindor) perhaps something about the split between Salazar Slytherin adn the other founders.
6. One of the horcruxes will be a wand or staff.
7. Bellatrix will die, possibly at Neville's hand.

harry potter

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