Recovery day

Nov 25, 2005 13:25

So my husband is off playing golf with his dad today and we have plans to go out a little later for dinner and a movie in celebration of his birthday (which is tomorrow) and in celebration of the fact that he got both yesterday and today off (a minor miracle that one).

This means other than internet shopping I will be god awful bored tomorrow... anyone wanna stop by and cheer me up with holiday coffee or something? 'Cause tomorrow is my online shopping day...

Christmas cards are almost all ready to go! Yay!

I am so in the holiday spirit this year...

Speaking of which... without going into too many details let's just say that on my fourth or fifth vodka tonic, things started to get a little fuzzy and I got a lot giggly. My husband's family is always stressful but I had no idea how bad it would be this year with my husband's grandmother not expected to be around next year and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to be not speaking to one another... I hadn't eaten all day, and Daniel's grandfather got distracted while making my fourth so it was all vodka no tonic... I wasn't falling down drunk, but I was falling all over myself and petrified when it came time for me to carry out dessert on the family heirloom china platter in the family since before the Civil War. I made it throgh and all was well, but whew!

atypicality I will email you tomorrow, I promise!

Check out the singing iceberg!

And, especially for rainpuddle13:
Check this out too!
Two of your favorte things in one place and it is wintery... furry hats = wintery, right?
ETA: I didn't make it I just saw it on someone's LJ...

Journal is all decked out for the holidays, now to work on decorating the house!


thanksgiving, christmas, family, links, friends, holidays, personal

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