
Sep 02, 2003 17:59

Happy Birthday to Salma Hayek (and because I am a geek, thought I would mention that this link will allow you to put in a date and find celebrities who were born on that date...)

Also had a couple of interesting goings on today:

1.Went to lunch at a little place called Sweetpeas, a very good little sandwich shop here in Richmond, and there was a flyer hanging from the register with my name on it, literally! The flyer said they had a nifty umbrella they would be willing to sell me for a small fee (turns out I had left my umbrella there, but since I was playing around with my copper gel pen and put my name on the inside they knew it belonged to me) All had a good laugh at my anal retentiveness, I got my umbrella back and had a nice turkey and Harvati on baguette.

2. Found out one of the guys in the Environmental Studies graduate program that I work for also has an M.A. in English and has thought several times about getting his Ph.D. He gave me some good advice for getting into the M.A. program and has promised to lend me a couple of GRE prep books so I don't have to buy them. We talked for an hour or so about reading literature and literary theory and had a lovely time chatting. I think we both felt really good afterwords so it was nice.

english, food, birthdays

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