Last night for dinner Dave made
Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic which I discovered whilst perusing the
Smitten Kitchen site that my sister linked to.
Let me just say, that for a (self-loathing) garlic-hater, this dish (excellently executed by Dave) was remarkably edible. This doesn't sound like much of a strong statement, but I usually have a hard time sitting next to something with even a little bit of garlic in it -- whereas not only did I eat the heavily garlicky chicken (two pieces, even!) I even ate some of the poached garlic cloves whole (hidden in a mouthful of baby potato).
I'm feeling virtuous that I intentionally consumed 8 cloves of garlic last night -- which is more than I've had concealed in my food in the entire year previous. Garlic is GOOD for you, right? And I finally ate some.
I'm even considered using some of the leftover poached cloves to accent a barley crockpot stew that we're going to have tomorrow.
Yep. Garlicky garlickitude, for sure.