epi·logue or epilog ep′i·log′
-a closing section added to a novel, play, etc., providing further comment, interpretation, or information
-a short speech or poem spoken to the audience by one of the actors at the end of a play
-the actor or actors who speak this
This blog was initiated since the time when we found out that Wei was stricken with nose cancer. In my attempt to document our/his fight against the cancer and in my hope of reaching out to other cancer survivors, "Party of Three" was born.
I've quite publicly journaled Wei's struggle with his treatments and fight against the cancer. You guys, the readers, have also gone through a ride with us hitherto: hair loss, ulcers in throat, treatments..there were many uncertainties that kept coming up.
Without the love and readership of my Ya-Ya Sisters (not all biological) and a few close friends, this blog would have run out of steam.
There's no telling where this pregnancy will go. For better or worse, I'm determined to keep the subsequent posts real. Karen Cheng had a 3-month lag on her preg post because she felt a it was an intimate affair and what if the pregnancy didn't go well?
For me, I did shove
sperm banking and
sperm count posts in your faces; getting pregnant was the intended effect -- to rob you guys of the subsequent stories would be such a 'c@ck teaser'.
Mr. Carcinogen can take a long extended vacation and get lost at the ends of the earth for all I care. Wei & I are just exhilirated on the prospects of preparing and welcoming a new life into this world.
And it does give a more positive and promising ring to my blog title.
With the the ominous period over and behind us, a new chapter in our lives begin. Enjoy the ride and may you have the stomach (pardon the pun, couldn't help it) for it.