Wei's mom is a simple and practical lady. She doesn't have any indulgences. She still wears clothes from 20 years back, the Aigner bag that she usually carries is now a vintage. I have given up buying presents for her 'cos they usually end up being returned to me some time later.
So when her birthday came around, we splurged it on a meal for her at "Xi Yan". The 4 of us have never been there but I was impressed when they printed a menu with my name on it.
Till now, Wei & I are still thinking about the nice juicy tomato. We were so stuffed by the end.
The IL are not big on taking pictures. "Every year also the same," she says. And in a way, it is true. The pose, the moment ---always before cake cutting.
I will send these over to the BIL so he won't be missing anything.