Apr 08, 2009 15:44
Background note: Molly's player is Gluten Intolerant. (Meaning that if a crumb gets in her food, she gets sick.) This was only discovered a few years ago, so she VERY much knows what she's missing.
The following email exchange took place between the hours of 10am and 11am:
Molly Player: Slept VERY well. Dreamed of weird Romanesque cults, ghosts and strangeness, plus eating something that was at times an enormous spinach Quiche or, alternately, a cheesecake.
A few minutes later:
Molly Player: There MAY have been gluten in the dream cheesecake. I am a tad worried.
Gilgaplayer: That was not Tir Na Cheesecake, you're probably safe.
Molly Player: Tir Na Nomnomnom!
edible dreams