Title: My fanart part 2 XD
Rating: I dunno.. haahhahaa.. XD
Couple: Kyuwook, all suju members.. XD
Here are some of my fanart.. aahhaahha.. (I do messed up in some ways.. TTcTT)
Mwaaaaa~~~~ I made this as request from
thewindchime and
leunah23 (I'm sorry if it takes long time coz I need my friend to scanned it ^^)
This two fanart based on
thewindchime 's fanfictions..
The first one was from
My Cute Starand the second one was from
Cheers for Lil Angel ps: Hope you two like it XD (though I kinda messed up at body and didn't color it. And uhh.. sorry if it wasn't like the one you want TcT).. mwahahahahah... X3 *blushed*
And uuhh.. this one.. I couldn't color it.. and I hope someone who kind enough to color it..
Wheeww.. my first try on all members chibi.. and uhh.. I can't draw cute chibi (as you see) TvT
This was based on Super Show 2 as I missed Kibum so much and want him to recover soon XD.
I kinda proud of it.. XD So, try to guess on every chibi ^^..
And hope you like it!! X3
ps: click to see the actual size.. XD
and don't forget to comment, ok?? and please credit me if you take some.. X3
Lastly, thank you for looking at these.. *smiles*