Jul 29, 2005 19:27
Why do people keep blogs? You read some people's blogs and they are just "well i've got nothing to do on a friday night, better post my shit life on the internet. why don't girls like me? lol!! wank wank wank" and it makes you want to cut off their fingers so they type with fat stubs, increasing the intellectual value of their blogs ten fold.
Now it might be a bit hypocritical of me blogging about boring blogs but I just thought I should get it off my chest. Which is really what a blog is for. Getting things off your chest, things that you feel passionate about or think other people will enjoy. I'll set the record straight now:
No one finds your Friday nights interesting if you are just gonna listen to your Galaxie 500 Collection and post on the internet. And it is definately the case that we don't need an update two hours later of how you have just remembered you own a CD by Placebo and how this has definately changed the face of Music. If you're going to do this on a Friday night, good on you, I won't stop you, but please keep it to yourself.
Now that's out of the way Noods looked at Porn at school. Give them the link to Tiger Woods' Fiance getting her freak on. Then we can all enjoy it.
Happy Blogging!