Apr 26, 2005 16:42
I had no time to write in here, I had to study for my exams.
My b-day was cool me and my girls went to a chinese restaurant, it was a great night.
Then I was at a dvd/video night at a friend house, we watched destination 1 & 2 on midnight. I fell asleep, I always woke up when they killed someone.
So I didn't miss anything :)
Well, tomorrow is my first exam, it's german.
We get 4 hours to write an essay...I'm already excited
Every class/grade has its own bathroom times, that's funny,lol
On friday I have english, we get 2 1/ hours
And on the May 3rd I have math(3 hours) I know I will get headache, after the math exam we get breakfast, how cool is that?!
bye bye kiddies