Nov 15, 2009 22:53
Save for a few weeks of writer’s block, I have been exploring different interests in my life.
First off, I’m starting to get some results from getting back to a habit of exercising. Fitting in a bike ride has been relegated to weekend rides and errands, so I have been keeping up with Wii Fit Plus. It’s really helped this past week with the multiple days of rainy, cold weather. Since the start of November I’ve developed really good eating, sleeping, and exercising habits that have all contributed to a steady 2.2 lb drop in weight so far. Not only that, but I’ve been feeling skinnier, and that really feels good!
I’ve expanded my work with the community center computer learning class. Usually the classes are on Tuesdays, but I’m pushing for another class on Thursdays to start. This past week I’ve heard a lot of feedback from students and other volunteers, and all that’s left is final approval for the expanded class. Also, at the request of a student, I even went to his apartment to help tutor him for the past 2 weekends. I’m really liking this ability to help other people, even with the challenges of a language barrier. Time to learn some Spanish! I have it on my iPod, so little by little I will learn how to speak and understand it.
This past week has been a good one for my skeptical pursuits. I went to the Drinking Skeptically event held by the National Capital Area Skeptics group on Wednesday, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Sure, I’m much younger than everyone, but that wasn’t enough to keep me away from getting into discussions with other people. On Saturday I went to a talk given at the National Science Foundation in the Ballston area that covered topics in the scientific method versus techniques that pseudo-scientific research uses. The best part was talking to someone (who obviously held at least a degree or two in astronomy) about micro black holes, the Large Hadron Collider, and even more! I mentioned that I listen to the Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast and he was thrilled because he listens to it too! It was a little intimidating given that many (read: pretty much all) of the people in the group seem to be involved in scientific pursuits and possess degrees in science and years of experience over me. I’m getting through that, but I still notice the difference. My response to it is to consider this fact: they are all in the middle of their scientific pursuits, whereas I am just getting started.
Apartment moment of the week: Getting my laundry from the laundry room in my building, I notice an article of clothing that is out-of-place. There was a pair of underwear that was about 3 sizes larger than the ones I wear! All I could say when I saw it was: Ew.
Friday I am going to New York City to hang out with my sister Juli. I can’t wait!