wpadmirer already knows, I celebrated early by taking Little T to see Will and Kate at the War Memorial yesterday, so she could say she saw him once he becomes king (probably about the time she's putting me in the nursing home.) We waited for two hours (Little T is amazingly patient at this kind of thing, hamming to the crowd all the time) and got some good views, and at one point Will was about a metre away from us for about half a second. We met Ben Mulroney (sort of a Canadian Ryan Seacrest, but also the son of a former prime minister.) Our current prime minister was also there. Crowd reaction to him was summed up by the woman I passed after the event, who was saying "I had to shake Stephen Harper's hand. No one else wanted to."
Tonight we're going to the small local fireworks show, because Parliament Hill will be madness. Although I saw Kate's outfit on TV and it looks great (and that's speaking as someone with no time for the monarchy.)