Feb 03, 2006 15:47
The Rolling Stones will perform in Rio for free. How cool is that? I've heard that some people had to pay U$ 1.000,00 to go to the concert in New York, and I plan on paying less than 1 dollar, but that'll be for the drinks I'll have during the show. I'll be on Copacabana beach in the middle of the crowd, dancing and singing to their songs. The only problem is that I don't know any. I'm just going, because the boyfriend asked me. He better make it up for this.
Call me crazy, but I love how Henrik and I are far from being the perfect couple. Yes! We have fights, we don't like the same things, we have different opinions and we belong to different cultures. But I believe all of these things made us one hell of a couple since we've learned how to deal with them without lacking respect or love for each other. We've learned to deal with the differences in a very fun way. Our so-called fights always end up with laughter and x-rated joy! The frequent collisions of our little imperfections and differences are turning us into a super couple who's coming for your rescue. Does that make sense? Hah. I don't think so. All I wanted to say is that NEVER having fights or being in a constant harmony, doesn't seem to be perfect to me. That's just abnormal...and boring. But that's just me.
On a different note, there's one thing I've learned with the Swedes. Always be sincere, no matter what. This was the first cultural difference I had to face when I met H. I'm sure that if I asked him the good ol' question: "Does this dress make me look fat?", he would never give me the right answer because it is on the "Top 10 right things to say to a woman" list. He would politely say the truth. Meaning, If I were fat, I'd punch his balls and cry for 3 days. But that would be the old me. After 2 years dating a svenska dude, not only did I learn how to deal with this sincerity, but I love it. It's good to get compliments from him, because I know he'd never say it without meaning it.
After this ramble about relationships, I'm off to make out with the nordic warrior. Apparently, he's familiar with the latinos insatiable desire for love. Lucky me :)