
Feb 05, 2010 13:53

I don't think I'll be able to make it to U Con tomorrow due to that I don't have a ride and will most likely do homework. My classes this semester are really good so far; way better than last semester. Last semester's classes were boring and not as engaging. One thing that is sort of bothering me is how my Bio Lab professor teaches. She posts all of the slides for the lectures and homework on the website but doesn't really go over anything. Basically she just wants us to have the answers in our workbooks so she can all just give us credit. She's going to give us a quiz next week, but the way she let us know what we needed to study was strange. She went through the workbook as fast as possible and skimmed around commenting "know this term, this one, this one" and didn't want to discuss any of it. It's a two hour class and it seems that we first go through the workbook/lecture then go off and look into microscopes for a bit. We looked at a few specimens but she just said "get familiar with them" and didn't explain them in the detail the class felt like we needed to know no matter how many questions people asked. It could just be like a bad day or something that made her completely unmotivated, but it sort of worries me how someone like her can get a job teaching at a university while so many other people are most likely keeling over for an opportunity like that.

My Children's Lit class is probably the best one next to Rec. In Rec we do these realy fun activities every Friday for just eight weeks. Eventually we're going to go rock climbing (indoors) and hiking. Today we went on a walk in Hamden on a surprisingly nice trial behind all the stores on that main road (I forgot what it was called). There are a lot of cool real people in the class and I actually had a pretty engaging conversation about Nascar with one of my classmates. Apparently he actually practices and drives in a small circut. I thought that was realy interesting to know how that worked and what kind of people he met.

So Children's Lit is basically a one day a week class with an amazing professor who works as a children's librarian. She's on a committee for the Nutmeg Awards, and it's really fun to hear about the stories she brings to the classroom. She has a great attitude, makes jokes, and teaches extremely well. She bought up a class on Wikispaces and I still can't find it. I wish she could just give me a direct link, and I have no idea why she wouldn't (maybe some secruity thing, I don't know how that stuff works). She brings in books every class that are for young adults. Usually it's just this huge pile and you can pick whatever one you want. I assigned myself to read Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief and holy hell it's a great book. The beginning kinda sucked because it seems to drag (imo) but it picked up suddenly and I didn't put it down for any time less than an hour. The myths are really accurate with a modern twist, and it's really awesome to figure out who that person is based on textual evidence before he is actually revealed. I'm going to read the rest of the series when I have time, but for now I'm reading Winnie the Pooh this week. Each week as a different theme, and this one is how books are compared to movies. I started reading and got through the first two chapters and I have to say the language in this is hard to really understand and get used to. Well actually it's not difficult to understand what is going on but it's really alien how the characters speak. Sometimes I don't really get what they are trying to say until I see a picture or a particular action after. Still I think it's interesting and I'm going to try my best to get through a good chunk tonight and during this weekend.

Biology has two parts. there's the lab and a class/lecture. The lecture is a completely different story compared to the lab professor. This woman, who is so Asian she's just like my mom, really knows her stuff. I can understand her even though it's in a huge room full of about fifty people.

Music in World Cultures seems...alright. There's not too much work involved with it except reading and buying at least three books (which I extremely dislike but you have to do what you have to do). I probably shouldn't have taken it because whenever we talk about music in general, it's really hard to get on a listeners level and not answer questions like a musician; it's hard to explain. For example he asked a question saying why people like particular musicians. I answers something like "because you get familiar with their style and they inspire you to play like them" or whatever along those lines. He liked the answer but it wasn't exactly revelant to what he was looking for. He's a good professor though, he's on task and likes humor.

And the last one here is my Information Library Science course. It's a 330, for user services, and I like the professor. We have a lot of projects assigned but I didn't get around to knowing which one is due yet so I can't exactly prepare. She brings us all around the library, which is good because I can't stand being in that small room in front of a distracting computer for the whole class period. I like the people in my class a lot since we are all, well at least most of us, doing something in our majors that has ILS components.

I finally tried out the panda suit for Asian Culture Society at the Club Fair. Man it was a lot of fun, but we seriously have to fix the head. I can barely breathe well enough and the eye pieces are too small to look out of. I'm sure we'll find at least someone decently good with working with this stuff. I can admit if this was like a normal costume, I would fix it myself to the best I can without having the club pay any money, but this is a mascot costume so I'm definately NOT skilled what so ever with that stuff.

Anime Club just started, and I put in my deposit for Anime Next. I think I already have a room full right now, but I need to double check. I'm also going to get a pre reg for CtCon either at the end of this month or the next.

As far as cosplaying goes, I don't think I'll start anything until school lets out, and I have a lot to do. Revamping Sheva will come first since that's going to be the most work, then gathering a few things for Makoto (I still need to find ashes or something that would make good blotches like that but are still washable), and do Chainsaw Chick. Chainsaw Chick is kinda interesting and I'm extremely curious to see how it will turn out. I have a good plan in my mind but nothing is really final. I guess school is just so much fun right now that I haven't really though on anything yet.
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