Copy/Pasted from email to my parents (so I don't have to retype anything)

Jan 12, 2007 00:48

Doing pretty good. Done with classes for the week. I have Fridays off again this semester so I'm done with classes for the week. Everything looks good. The hours are kinda bad though; I have evening classes each day. ASL looks to be much more intensive than my previous ASL classes, so I'm looking forward to that. It's taught by two deaf guys, one for the first half of the semester and one for after spring break. It's my only non-studio class, which I think is a good thing. I can concentrate more on making art than writing papers or studying.

The sugar gliders are adjusting fine and are up playing right now. We have affectionately named them Frida and Diego. Diego bit me yesterday after he kept getting his claw hung in the bag and I was trying to get it un-stuck. So I cut up some sandpaper and put it in the wheel tonight. I'll take it out in the morning. We'll see if that fixes the problem and if it does, then I'll do that every now and then and we won't have to get the one specifically designed for the wheel. Oiling it got rid of the squeaky sound completely which is very good because they woke me up last night and they're in the living room and I'm in the bedroom. They got to have mealworms tonight. I went to the pet store down the road on my way in to school this morning because I didn't want them to get bored of ham and chicken. This place also carries frozen baby mice, but I think they have many more options to bother with that. I want to see if I can open the top of their cage and add on to it to give them some more room to jump around. Frida got out of the cage and wandered around the house a little while after I put the food in. She made it all the way to the bathroom before i picked her up and moved her back. The second day they were here, we had them out playing and Frida decided to chase Daisy for whatever reason. Maybe she thought she was a predator. Daisy is doing well too. Betsy found a bump on her rump that isn't supposed to be there, but it doesn't hurt her if you touch it, and she seems healthy otherwise, so I'll need to keep an eye on it. I'm thinking that maybe it's a spider bite? Betsy thinks it might be some kind of cyst.

Monica and Josh are all moved in, and it's going well so far. They mostly stay in their room, but I think that's partially because the livingroom is still somewhat in disarray and we haven't made up for the fact that the futon is gone seating wise. I did go to Goodwill and buy a $15 entertainment center to get the tv/dvd player/etc organized. It now looks very neat. And for the past two days I've been good about getting to the apartment complex's fitness center (hopefully I can keep that going.) Tomorrow I have to go into campus to start making pulp for Papermaking and to get my book for ASL class. Geoff's doing good, although he was told a few weeks ago that he is a few classes short of graduating when he thought all he had to finish was the dissertation hours. So he's signed up for some industrial engineering class that meets Thursday evenings. He says it will be ok. Then he'll do an independent study in the summer and that should have him all caught up to graduate next fall (maybe.) He bought me a Naked juice today so I could have a pick me up between my afternoon class and my evening class which was really sweet. He's doing pretty good this semester with setting aside more time for us to be together.

Ok in the time it took me to write this email, Diego has rejected the sandpaper in the wheel and is pulling the strips out. Well at least he gets points for being smart. AH! They're so cute I can't STAND IT!!

sugar gliders

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