Oct 11, 2008 08:19
We're going to a wedding in Columbus today. This is Josh's uncle's second wife's second wedding. Got that straight, lol? ;) This is my clan on in-laws though, there are so many of them it's not even funny. I feel for my poor little baby already, trying to get it's relatives straight. To be honest, I still can't stand most of Josh's family. I feel bad admitting it, but they annoy me. His cousins are people that I would never have chosen to be friendly with on a general level but because of marriage, I'm related to them. Sometimes I wonder where Josh came from. ;) He's not like any of his family and I think that's why we work.
The bean is doing well, this kid spends about every night kicking me before bed. What love for the mama! ;) We went to the ultrasound to figure out the gender and see if everything is healthy. Everything looks great with the bean, measuring on schedule and all, but my kid was way too stubborn to show the goods. Now we wait until I deliver to see if we've got a boy or a girl. The nursery is slowing coming along, much slower than my belly is expanding however. It's going to be green and brown, very neutral colors and I'm excited to get everything all situated.
We went to Kohl's last night. Josh needed new clothes for this wedding, so he got a new shirt, tie and pants. They already had all of the Christmas stuff out. I love Christmas, its become my favourite holiday in the past couple of years. We don't spend a lot on each other and its certainly not about the gifts, but the whole world seems more magical in December. I love all of it: baking cookies, drinking hot chocolate while looking at christmas lights on houses, buying gifts for everyone. As much as I love Christmas and am of course excited for it this year, I can't wait until next year's Christmas. I believe that children make the holidays more special and next year the baby will be about 10 months at Christmas. Ahhh, it'll be interesting that's for sure. :)
Yes, I realize I'm going to be THAT MOM.