8 November 2011. A month and one day after RyoPi left NEWS. at last, i'm now listening to NEWS songs. and yes with tears :'( i miss NEWS freaking much.
Remembering my early days with NEWS.. the very first NEWS's song that i listened to was Cherish.. if i'm not mistaken. but Ai Nante was the first NEWS song i downloaded. Every single day, i listen to NEWS songs. watching their concerts. and re-watching it again and again. i memories their dance steps and dance with them..in my mind -..-''
i had so much fun listening to NEWS songs and i will continue enjoying it till the end. NEWS makes me strong. NEWS makes me happy.
and i've no intention to change it for now
fucking simple because i'm not that artistic
but more than enough to remind me
how they hold the biggest space in my heart ❤
いま まで これ からも ずっと NEWS の ファン でした!